
Darragh Mason in conversation with Tim Wyatt

Petra Meyer - The Book of Dzyan and the Music of the Spheres

Chad Manian - Theosophy in the Age of Technology

Tim Wyatt in Conversation with Brenda Crowther

Teresa Keast - Solstice Energy & It's Opportunity for Spiritual Illumination

Tim Wyatt in Conversation with Bepin Patel

Barbara Hebert - Compassion and Karma in Today's World

Richard Barker - Evolution: The Mainspring of Life

Tim Wyatt in Conversation with Wanda Sellar

Jenny Baker - The Phenomenal Abilities of H P Blavatsky

Petra Meyer - The Blavatsky Lecture The Mystery of Life and the Cyclic Evolution

Andrew Swaffield - The Mystical Hierarchies of Theosophy

Gary Kidgell - Greek Hero Myths and the Quest for Transcendence

Elizabeth Crofts - Life and Death in Shakespear

Tony McNeile - Life in Transition Resurrection

Petra Meyer - Eternal Duration and Moments in Time Public Lecture

Wayne Gatfield - Awakening to our True Self

Jenny Baker - Mysteries of Existence

Juliana Cesano - Three Paths of Inner Unfoldment

Tim Wyatt in Conversation with Gillian Monks

Wayne Gatfield - The Heart of Buddhist Teaching

Chad Manion - Theosophy, Geometry & the Rhythm of Time

Jonathan Colbert - The Hidden Side of Nature

Tim Wyatt in Conversation with Phillip Lindsay

Scott Olsen - The Golden Ratio

Scott Olsen - NDE`s and other Transformative States

Wayne Gatfield - Living in the presence of the Soul

Tim Rudboeg - Universal Brotherhood

Tim Boyd - The Habit of Dying

Tim Boyd - The Future of the Theosophical Society

Tim Boyd - The Blavatsky Lecture 2015

Gary Kidgell in Conversation with Tim Wyatt

Susan Leybourne in conversation with Tim Wyatt

Tim Wyatt in Conversation with Dr Steve Taylor

Swami Sarvapriyananda - The Spirit of the Upanishads

Gary Kidgell - Reflections on The Voice of the Silence Part 2

Nottingham Lodge - Theosophical Hall - 73 Maid Marion Way - Nottingham - NG1 6AJ
Leicester Lodge - Quaker Meeting House - 16 Queens Road - Clarendon Park - Leicester - LE2 1WP