a zoom talk by Gary Kidgell
The spiritual path consists of a return journey to the source of our being, This presentation illustrates how the journey of Odysseus to his homeland of Ithaca may be viewed as a symbolic representation of the ‘steep and thorny road’’ described by H.P. Blavatsky. Gary shall outline how the travails of the eponymous hero of Homer’s Odyssey, as he seeks to reassert himself as the rightful king of Ithaca, can offer us insight into the challenges that confront us as spiritual aspirants.
Gary Kidgell is a professional astrologer who has studied the wisdom teachings for over forty years. He has lectured extensively on esoteric subjects, as well as undertaking numerous astrological consultations throughout the UK and in Europe. Gary joined the Theosophical Society in 1994 as a founding member of the Dundee Lodge and as President. He is the current the Organising Secretary for the Theosophical Society in Scotland; the Librarian for the Theosophical Society in Scotland Charity; and an executive committee member for the European Federation of Theosophical Societies. Gary has published two books: The Inner Journey: Pathways to the Higher Self and Greek Hero Myths: Symbols of Transformation.’
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Gary Kidgell